11 Ways to Use Muslin Swaddle Blankets


Keep reading to find at least 11 ways to use muslin swaddle blankets.

11 Ways to Use Muslin Swaddle Blankets

Our girls have been swaddle babies from day one. But, with so many blankets in our possession, I knew I could use them for the purposes, too.

Muslin swaddle blankets are so versatile in addition to their “swaddle” label.

In fact, because they are so versatile, I was able to just carry a couple with me in my diaper bag and simplify my life.

Bamboo swaddle blankets were by far my favorite. They are so silky soft and almost like butter. It’s definitely worth it to splurge on the softer bamboo ones.

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11 Ways to Use Muslin Swaddle Blankets

1. Swaddle Blanket

I can’t forget the obvious choice for using a swaddle blanket for a swaddle, right?

For us, they didn’t work to keep our babies contained past a few weeks old but in those first few weeks?

They were a dream. Plus, they are gorgeous and make for great photo props!

11 Ways to Use Muslin Swaddle Blankets

2. Car seat cover

When you little one is sleeping and you don’t want people to mess with them, you can throw a muslin swaddle blanket over the top and people should leave your little alone.

It also works in the car to keep it darker in their seat and/or keep out the sun.

3. Nursing cover

If you liked to be covered when you nurse, you don’t need to carry around a big and bulky nursing cover.

In fact, when I was worried, I used my swaddle blanket as a nursing cover (I demonstrate it there, too). It is a lightweight and easy alternative for the modest mom.

4. Burp cloth

My babies were happy spitters. They spit up often but weren’t really upset about it.

That did mean that I need to be armed with something to catch the spit up and keep us dry.

Since I had a swaddle blanket with me for so many other uses, I found myself using it for burping, too, especially since I already had it on me as a nursing cover.

5. Bib

Now, they are eating solid food and you are out at a restaurant. You’ve got a couple blankets in your diaper bag already.

Instead of carrying those bibs around, you can fold it up into a triangle and tie it around your little one’s neck.

As a bonus, it will cover their shoulders too which often isn’t covered by a bib.

Maybe my girls are the only ones that would turn their heads side-to-side and wipe spaghetti sauce all over the necks of their shirts?

6. Diaper

Yes, you can use a blanket as a diaper. Who has been in a pinch before without a diaper?

Yes, we’ve been out and realized we forgot to refill the diaper bag. You can very easily tie a blanket around your baby until you can get to a diaper.

They are surprisingly absorbent and easy to clean.

If you cloth diaper, you probably have an extra cover you can put over the make-shift swaddle diaper, however, it will work in a pinch without a cover, too.

7. Outfit

Remember how I said we carry a couple? Well, say you miss that spit up or other baby “leak” and find yourself without a change of clothing.

Yes, you can fashion your swaddle blanket into a little baby toga-like dress or shirt.

Not only will your baby be stylish, but they won’t be without clothes or sitting in wet or dirty clothes.

8. Changing pad

Pretty much every public changing table I’ve used has been void of those little pad covers to keep it clean and I want to lay something down to keep baby clean from the surface.

I can fold up my blanket, and use it as a pad under my baby for a diaper changing surface. I’ve also used it in my car as well to protect my carseat.

9. Stroller shade cover

Stroller shades never seem to quite cover enough and let light in. That sunlight can wake my sleeping baby or keep them from sleeping.

And, that sunlight can cause sunburn. Between the sunshade and the seat, I can spread my blanket or two and cover my baby to protect them from the sun and the light.

10. Lovie

Kids love security blankets. I find they especially love them if they are soft and something they use from early on. Swaddle blankets are both. Because they aren’t thick, they don’t worry me as a lovie.

An added bonus is that I can usually pick up a few of the same design and/or pattern and have a back-up lovie.

Once your kid finds their lovie, get a back-up. And, then maybe consider a back-up back-up.

You don’t want to be at the mercy of some person that bought a ton of them and they are now not available (not speaking from experience or anything).

11. Blanket

Yes. A blanket. Now that we don’t swaddle, they are still great blankets for bedtime for older children. They are also easy to have in the car for a colder car ride or a cold restaurant.

We don’t like being cold, so we have them on hand for the girls…and I admit to using them as well. T

They are soft so I can’t resist! But, I’m definitely going to pick up an larger adult muslin blanket for myself or maybe I’ll add it to my birthday wish list!

11 Ways to Use Muslin Swaddle Blankets

These are just the first 11 ways to use a muslin swaddle blanket that came to mind. I’m sure there are many more ideas which you can discover.

For a new parent gift, swaddle blankets are definitely one of my go-to gifts because of all of the options and versatile ways they can be used.

Not to mention they are super cute, colorful, soft and fun.

As a bonus, many people collect them and sell and trade them when they are done or you can pass them on to a friend or relative to give them even more life.

Have you found any other creative uses for your swaddle blankets? I’d love to hear more ideas.

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  1. Yes to all of these. Just this week, the blankie was a burp cloth, a lovie and an outfit (doctors visit!). Not necessarily in that order!

    1. There would be not judging if it was the same blanket and in that order!

  2. I absolutely loved these muslin blankets. They made the best nursing covers! I ended up ditching my purchased nursing cover for these. I felt covered but my kiddos could actually breath, lol. I now have other ideas on how to use them 🙂

  3. pat chance says:

    those are some of the nicest, soft and versitile blankets I have seen in a while

  4. My husband was a much better swaddler than I was!
    I still keep the boys swaddle blankets handy for friends who come by with babies.
    As you showed, they’ve got so many uses!

  5. Keri Justice says:

    I loved using them as a nursing cover in public when my son was little. They weren’t thick and bulky.

  6. Cynthia C says:

    Maybe fold one up as a cushion for the grocery cart seat. They are so hard and uncomfortable for the kiddies.

  7. Julie Wood says:

    These Muslin Swaddle blankets are very versatile! I have two of them and use them all the time when I babysit my niece! They are so soft and the best blankets!

  8. A changing pad is such a good idea! I’d never thought of that!

  9. Zoua Yang says:

    I’m not a parent, but I love these muslin blanket and I don’t know if this idea is right, but I was thinking in my mind and playing it out that these swaddle blanket can be used as a eco-friendly gift wrap like how the Japanese used fabric to wrap gift to give away, wrap bento box lunch beautiful, and a environment friendly to reduce the used of plastic and paper pollution also to minimize landfill. And it would be like a gift wrap in another gift that can be used over and over again. I believe it qill always have a purpose. Anyway that all I have to say; please let me know if my idea is good.

    Thank you,

  10. Jacqueline says:

    Used as a towel to dry your hair. They absorb well.

  11. As a new mom, I am super paranoid about making sure my baby can breath ok in the car seat, and I hate when her head is flopping side to side or if it’s pushed forward. To be extra safe, I roll a muslin blanket and curve it around her head so she has padding on the side and it holds her head in place. It works wonders!

    1. Yes! These work great with babywearing too and they need the extra neck support

  12. I love these blankets. We used them as swaddle blankets (for the first weeks), nursing covers, diaper pad, stroller covers, burp cloths, kids’ personal picnic/beach blankets, and now… bed/naptime blankets. They are perfect for daycare use, especially for spring and summer time. I’m now trying to figure out how to join them together to make longer ones for these growing kiddos.

    1. What a great idea! Like a quilt/blanket of all of their old swaddles. I gave almost all of ours away…now I wish I had kept them!

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