Mommy and Me Monday- The 25th Edition


It’s time again for Mommy and Me Monday. Pop out from behind that camera and capture yourself in action with your kids.  Check out the inaugural Mommy and Me Monday for more information.

My first born starts pre-Kindergarten Monday.  Like August 9, 2010!

Please hold me.

I’m nervous, scared, anxious, excited and happy for her.

She’s just happy she gets to start ballet Friday.

Mommy and Me Monday

I should mention that she will be getting 40 minutes of Mandarin Chinese lessons everyday.  This is in addition to her weekly sessions of French and Spanish.  So, she’ll be quadrilingual at the end of this year?  And, once again, a parent won’t be able to help their child with their homework.

She’s going to be doing field trips, too.  Please tell me I’m not the only one nervous about my kid getting lost.  It really scares the poo out of me!  I guess I should plan on taking some time off to be a chaperone.


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Really, Are You Serious?

**There really is only one requirement here, a picture of you and your baby or babies; your children, your “baby” (ie significant other) or even your fur babies.  If your picture doesn’t feature you (meaning you must be in the picture), I will have to delete your link.  It’s not fair to the others that follow the rules.**

Make sure you head over and check out all of the other Mommy and Me Monday posts and leave them some comment love.  It makes me sad to go to posts at the end of the day and only see one comment.  Please spread the love!

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  1. Wow, that’s a fancy pre-k she’ll be in! She’ll do great, mama!

  2. oh! mixed emotions yay! but i know above it all you are happy 🙂 just happy am i right? hihihi

    and hey, thats a lot of lessons in a week.. i am sure you and your first born will have lots to things to catch up to every day… that would be endless chit chats! ^_^

    my entry is up here

    thanks a lot krystyn!

    ps; as usual i love your photo together.. and you look like Jennifer Garner! Pretty!!

  3. pre-K and all those languages?? & classes?
    I have been out of the mommy circuit too long, the last thing I remember worrying about was that they knew their name, address, ABC, #’s & could use a scissors for kindergarten! wholey smokes batman! Is this your first to start school? she is so cute. Let them be children & play as long as possible 🙂

  4. Wow, quad-lingual? Aren’t you worried she is going to tell you off in a language you don’t understand. 😉

  5. Stephanie says:

    Awww! I can’t believe she’s getting so big! Let me know how the first day goes!

  6. My Blubs is all grown up. I want to be a chaperone. Seriously. Let me know if you get a schedule… sure would be cool to come there and be a chaperone!

  7. no way. no way. for real??

    will get in the car now and be there in the morning to hold you.


  8. Chinese? Wowzers! I hope you’ll do a video for us after she learns some!

    Nice photo of you sweet ladies. 🙂

  9. Aw! I’m excited for her and you! My daughter is only 1, so I know once the day does come letting her go off to school is going to be so hard!

  10. oh my…I’m nervous for you too…ehhehehe…just kidding…am sure you will be fine…and she will be fine….that is pretty impressive…quadralingual? wheewww….good luck to your little darling!

  11. lura Staffanson says:

    What a sweet picture. I remember so well when Lynell started kindergarten. It is a major event for mom…. more so than for the child I think. You will get through it…. we all did.

    I have great news. Come over and see the wonderful birthday gift I got. We are thrilled.
    Hugs, Grammy L

  12. oh gosh! 4 languages! that sounds so cool…

  13. nice… im sure you are having mixed emotions now, but i am sure she will make it good 🙂

    by the way, its great that she is learning so many languages 🙂 i want my kids to learn mandarin more formally too. i can speak and write it since im chinese but i need a curriculum to support them in this endeavor!

  14. Happy first day of pre-k! You both will do great 😉

  15. Glad to know I am not the only Momma sooo worried about starting school. K starts Sept 8th and I am sooo scared for her. I am sure they both will do great but……..

  16. I hope you are holding up OK today! I know how scary that first day is. Seems like it was just yesterday. Don’t think about that!
    Anyway, it sounds like a great program. And just wait until algebra – talk about not being able to help!

  17. What a sweet picture that is! Wow! what a packed full preK…..can’t imagine what K’s like!

  18. I like the picture of you and your daughter… Well done mommy for providing a great start for your little girl… I’ll be sending my little girl to day care next week too and I’m sharing the same feeling…


  19. chubskulit says:

    Wow she will be very busy then. Pretty shot of you two!

  20. chubskulit says:

    Wow she will be very busy then. Pretty shot of you two!

  21. Maggie has gone on one field trip and I was so nervous all day I might as well have taken off to go with her because I got NOTHING done! I was petrified! Good luck with pre-K!!!

  22. I remember that well. It is nerve wracking, isn’t it? They seem so little to start the “letting go” process, no matter how little the letting go seems. Ugh.
    Good luck!

  23. Good luck to her with all of that sounds like alot of fun!

  24. Hi there, my first time to join with your Meme. Yepers, I’m excited. 🙂 Wow, your daughter will be a lovely ballerina someday. I love watching ballet shows.

  25. I think it is so amazing that she is going to be learning all of those different languages at the age she should be… when she is young! She will be able to learn so much more that way! I think that the first day of kindergarten is much tougher for the parents than the kids. There is always at least one mom tearing up on the first day. I think its the sweetest thing ever.

  26. Wow! Mandarin Chinese?! I can’t wait to hear some of the stuff she learns!

  27. Ok?
    a.) STUNNING PICTURE OF YOU TWO!!! Loved it!
    b.) Is your daughter attending the same school that the Jolie-Pitt children do???

    1. a) pretty sure you have just made it into my top friends status..thanks!

      b) and, yeah….umm, I’m pretty sure the Jolie-Pitts aren’t slumming it in the ATL in my neck of the woods…but we can pretend, right? Their school is definitely has the demographics of their family.

  28. She is going to be one busy girl! Beautiful picture of the two of you.

    And I’ll hold you if you hold me…my girls are starting preschool next month and I’m in complete denial! Hope you both did well on her first day today!

  29. Chinese, French AND Spanish?! She is gonna be one well versed little woman!

  30. I can suddenly relate to the car ad out right now where the dad is talking to the litle girl in the front seat who is suddenly old enough to drive at the end of the commercial. (I did a horrible job of describing that…oh well!)

    She looks like a pre-kindergartener in that picture! So pretty!

  31. So how was it?!?! I cant wait to hear all about it!!
    Landon just went on his first field trip without me as a chaperone this year! lol
    I felt the same way..the only reason it was this year is because they go on 3 a week, and well, my boss just isnt that understanding! LOL

  32. oh wow! There is not a school near me (that I know of) that teaches 4 year olds Manderin Chinese! That amazes me. Around here the only language little ones learn is Spanish. French maybe for the older children……in high school! LOL

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