Artful mommy | Mommy and Me Monday | 136th ed


It’s time again for Mommy and Me Monday. Pop out from behind that camera and capture yourself in action with your kids.  Check out the inaugural Mommy and Me Monday for more information.

Saturday morning, I had to be downtown by 6:45 am, and then I walked a 5K with E, and then I came home. And, then I was exhausted.

I may or may not have taken a nap on the couch while the girls were playing (daddy was close by). They came and told me they were going to the grocery store and that they drew me on the board napping on the couch. Super impressive, I’d say. I can’t even draw a couch like that.

So, there’s me on the couch with the girls. And, it totally counts!

Mommy napping

Mommy and Me Monday at  Really, Are You Serious?

**There really is only one requirement here, a picture of you and your baby or babies; your children, your “baby” (ie significant other) or even your fur babies.  If your picture doesn’t feature you (meaning you must be in the picture), I will have to delete your link.  It’s not fair to the others that follow the rules.**

I try to make sure and visit all of you and leave some comment love.  Please spread the love!  And, I never mind the comments, either:)

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  1. Hahah, so cute! That’s a better drawing than I can do too.

  2. BalancingMama (Julie) says:

    Too funny! That totally counts.

  3. pat chance says:

    That is great – did they have to erase Matt’s gulf of Mexico drawing?

  4. OMG! that is super funny AND cute! Love it! and better then the sofa I like the drawn figure of you 🙂

    1. How could you tell? Actually, almost a year since I’ve cut it..need to do something!

  5. uhm totally counts!!

    ps. 6:45?? honey are you crazy??

  6. Hahahahaha!!!!
    That is a hilarious Mommy & Me photo. Love it! 🙂

  7. Anti-Supermom says:

    LOL! I love it when the kids draw pictures of me with my ‘mean face’… hits close to home.

  8. Amy Orvin says:

    I am thankful for naps. I get so tired with everything I have to do in a day. Love the couch, too.

    1. Oh, I’m sure the everyday is what really caught up with me.

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