
Take a moment to check this picture out….
(And while you are doing that, pardon the fuzziness, it’s with my phone, which isn’t one of those fancy phones).

Any ideas what it is?

Wait? Did you say those are beans?

In a sink?


Oh, then those green things would be?

That’s right bean sprouts.

Yep, some fabulous kids (again with the need for that sarcastic font), took apart some mole models for mole day (please just smile and nod like you know what I’m talking about).  And, they thought the best place for those beans would be my sink.

After returning from a week of no school (so nine days without light), I was greeted by these lovely green plants growing in the sink.  And, they pretty much start at the bottom of the drain which is about 3 feet lower.

Wasn’t that nice?  They got me a plants for Christmas!  Ha.

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  1. CRAZY KIDS!!!!! What will they think of next???? Ok, maybe we don't want to think about that!!!

  2. Krystyn,
    How sweet of those (darn) kids. That is one crazy long bean sprout, impressive!

  3. Those grew fast! Especially without any light! How, ehem, kind of those kids! Haha.

  4. Oh Krystyn….I'm so glad you are a teacher. We get the best blog fodder between you and Emily 🙂

  5. Ha ha!! Too funny!! You should tell them next time to put flower seeds in there!

  6. mrs. hils says:

    Now you know why we sprout beans with the kindergarteners. They are no fail! I think you should leave them and see what kind of harvest you get.

  7. Man, I bet you were ticked but that is hilarious!

  8. How will they be graded for this? LOL OK yes I bet you were ticked but it was a bit funny reading it!

  9. You sure are working with some smart kiddos, don't you say? 🙂

  10. Wow…I love all your teacher posts! These kids never seem to fail with their kindness! 😉
    Thats pretty crazy!!

  11. Hahahaha. We did that in our bathroom sink after Halloween. We washed the pumpkin seeds in there and some fell down the overspill and started growing out of the emergency drain opening by Thanksgiving. My mom was not pleased! 😉

  12. Sparkette says:

    Oh my that is hilarious! 🙂 LOL! Bean sprouts are yummy for salad and sammies! Now I am hungry! HA!

  13. awww and who says high schoolers aren't thoughtful??

  14. Now wasn't that sweet of them. And after all the complaining you have done about inconsiderate teenagers on this blog. tsk, tsk! (seriously need a sarcastic font!)

  15. Oh lovely! Although, I have to admit, I think it's pretty clever, no? 🙂

  16. Seriously? Seriously. There are no words to describe this but "WHAT THE HECK?!" And I do know what mole day and moles are. It's the chemistry student in me!

    Love, Mere

  17. I shouldn't laugh should I? But I can't help it-that is too funny!

  18. OMG. I can't believe they grew so quickly. What a mess to come back to. YUCK.

  19. Wow, that is a hardy plant! That is probably something that would still die in my house knowing my black thumb though LOL!

  20. So are we officially old when we see something like this and say "those damn kids"?


    I thought so!

    Here's to being old! 🙂

  21. Too funny.
    What is even more funny is that fact that you label it "damn kids".

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