That B…and me | Mommy and Me Monday | 365 ed


Being a mom is a tough job. Seeing your babies hurt is one of the hardest things we have to do. We’ve been through it all, and it’s never easier. B has been the most recent hurt kiddo.

You can’t become a seasoned veteran, either. Not when you take your first kid to the ER, not when you take your second kid to urgent care and they leave with a split and then you have to go in for a cast, not when your third falls down the stairs and get and ambulance ride to the hospital. Nope. Never easier. We seem to be cursed with stair incidents.

B and E were playing at school in the morning, like they do most mornings. They like to follow each other up and down the stairs. It’s usually nothing more than walking up and down. But, sometimes feet get slippery. I had just turned around when I heard B crying. It was a different cry. Not even a scream, but this whimper. And she was holding her arm with her other hand and just snuggled me. She’s not our snuggly girl.

We waited around for a bit and she perked up and started using it. So in addition to me, several other adults thought she probably just hit it funny. I asked them to call if it seemed to start bothering her.

I got the call around lunch time. So, I called urgent care to get an appointment and x-rays (or ped wouldn’t order them without seeing her and couldn’t see her). When I picked her up she was just a little sad. It was when I buckled her in her carseat that I knew. I just tapped her hand, unintentionally and she lost it. She was telling me over and over how much I hurt her. I sent Mr. Serious a text and told him I was pretty sure it was broken.

During our waiting, I gave her some ibuprofen and before we knew it, it was time to go to the children’s urgent care. You would never know looking at her face, would you? (But if you look closely at the hand you can see, those fingers are swollen).

B's wrist fracture | Mommy and Me Monday

Three x-rays and some “silly faces” waiting later, we had a diagnosis.

B's wrist fracture | Mommy and Me Monday

She had a buckle fracture in her wrist. It’s very common in kids and is basically a bend in the bone. We had a couple attempts at getting a split on her because her hand and arm is so small, but the nurse got one to work. We called it a “fancy bandaid” and thankfully, she left it alone.

B's wrist fracture | Mommy and Me Monday

The next day, we followed up with orthopedics to get her cast. She was insistent on red from the very beginning. They think she also fractured her elbow, too, but it was right at the end of the bone. Since little kids have tiny hands, they need the cast to have a bend in it so it can’t fall off. Y’all, she’s taking this cast thing a MILLION times better than me. When I think about HER not being able to extend her arm, I have anxiety attacks.

B's wrist fracture | Mommy and Me Monday

Of course, this means bathing has been interesting. Thank goodness she’s still small because she fits in the kitchen sink!

B's wrist fracture | Mommy and Me Monday

It should hopefully just be 3 weeks before she gets it off and she’ll be back to her normal self. The biggest thing now is that she’s not supposed to climb or be on a playground because she can’t catch herself if she falls.

She’s taking it pretty well, and I think enjoying the extra attention. Like when she says “mama, I want to snuggle you in your bed” and I give in.

B's wrist fracture | Mommy and Me Monday

(Long story about the mattress topper on TOP of the bed…one day!)

So, for the next three weeks, our normal is just adjusting slightly. And, so far, she’s only hit one sister with her cast…so, I call that winning!

What did you do this week?

All this to say, JUST GET IN THE PICTURE WITH YOUR KIDS! Who cares what you look like? Who cares how you appear? Who cares what you are wearing? JUST DO IT!

Since the button code stopped working many moons ago, I took it out. But, if you are adding your link to my link list, please, as a courtesy, add a link back to my site so people can explain and link up themselves if they’d like. After all, that’s the point of the link up!

It’s time again for Mommy and Me Monday. Pop out from behind that camera and capture yourself in action with your kids. Check out the inaugural Mommy and Me Monday for more information.  Need another reason to participate in Mommy and Me Monday? Read my post about why I blog with words from a friend’s husband.

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  1. Smiley girl! I can’t wait to check out her fancy bandaid in person… and maybe sign it or give her a sticker! 🙂

  2. She looks like she is handling it REALLY well! I LOVE the Snapchat picture! Too cute!

    1. She loves her some “silly faces!” It’s really the only thing I use it for lately.

  3. Ouch! Poor B. I fully expect my daughter to be the first in a cast because she’s my wild, fearless child. Glad B is taking her red cast well! It certainly looks cool. 🙂

    1. You will probably be right…I hope you aren’t…but my two most fearless have been the two in casts! And, they are the two most alike…God help me now!!

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