On phases


You know when you have a one year old and everybody tells you about the impending “terrible twos?” And then you survive two and wonder what the big deal with two was because three was OhMyGodWhoIsThisKidAndWhereIsMyBaby? (I know I’m not alone here).

And then three passes and four comes along and they are growing up and changing again yet again (Attitude, drama, knowing everything…don’t tell me this is only my kids, we’ve done this rodeo twice now).

Parenting styles.png

Each new phase is always harder than the last. Especially the first time around. You have no idea where this new phase came from or what it will entail. And, in this moment, the last phase? The one you survived? Sure seems like a cake walk.

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  1. So friggin’ true. We skipped the Terrible 2’s for an early start to the Tumultuous 3’s.
    There’s a lot of huffing, puffing and arm crossing when a little 30 pound guy with an afro and glasses doesn’t get his way.
    Lord only knows what’s next :/

  2. Very true! I’ve hit the teen years and wonder how/why I complained about the other years?

    1. They are always crazier and crazier…and then they’ll go to college and you’ll wonder why you worried about them now!

  3. grandma pat says:

    Middle of the night feedings sound good about right now correct? Enjoy the good and the attitudes, they may move 12 hours away some day.

    1. I’m not supposed to have those anymore?

      I know…talk about a guilt trip!

  4. Oh – SO true! My husband is the worst at suffering through a phase, then when another parent gets there tells them how easy it was compared to where we are now. No – it is totally not just your kids 🙂

    1. But, it’s sooo true, isn’t it!

      Glad to know it’s not just mind:)

  5. AMEN! I always thing if we can just get through this and it really doesn’t get any easier. I have two kids – 10 and 2 – and it seems like each one is challenging in their own totally different way at each age.

    1. If it wasn’t challenging, we’d think we were doing something wrong, right?

  6. I thought we had it bad during toddler years – Oh boy was I wrong! Having a tween with an attitude that beats mine is very trying.

    1. I think they make their attitudes worse then ours…paybacks, right? That’s what I hear anyways.

  7. Just when you get a handle on the last phase is when the new one starts. Kids are always keeping us guessing.

    And #2 is totally different from #1.

    1. Totally keeping me on my toes…1 is different then 2 is different then 3…no doubt.

  8. PREACH. Yes. But? I can hope that 4 will be better than 3, right? Even if it ends up being way, way worse? A girl can dream.

    1. Yes, you can dream…but there is something magical about some of 4:)

  9. That about sums it up! Although, 4 year old boy has to be easier than 3 year old boy! It HAS TO BE!!!

    1. Yes, I think there is something that happens around 4….it was more magical with our first then second, though.

  10. I like the phases it makes me not want to have anymore kids when I think about another baby the two I have remind me that I just can’t do it again. I will just hold someone else baby then give it back lol

  11. Ok, I keep hearing this! And I try not to think too much about this because Noah’s twos have been absolute hell! And this is going to get worse!?! Oh goodness.

    However, I do see what you mean with it being the first time. I have noticed that phases I went through with Noah are a breeze with Bryce because I know roughly what to expect and that they will end at some point. 🙂

    1. I tell anybody that says 2 is crazy that they haven’t yet met 3…sorry, it’s true:(

  12. I’ll second that Amen! I have a 3 year old and a 1 year old; you are preaching to the choir!

    1. And, yet, I just know the next one is coming right behind.

  13. I totally agree. You seem to totally forget about the previous stage cause you are dealing with the current one.

    1. It’s probably for the best, or we would all only have one kid!

  14. Cue the current cake walk to be traded for the next. The other kid staying with me makes Red look like a DREAM baby. He’s just so off the wall and loud! 🙂

    1. He’s a little older, right? Each kid is different too, so each phase happens at a little different time.

  15. Absolutely! I keep wondering when the “fun” age will begin 😉 It hasn’t always been difficult, but oh my goodness! Four is really taking a toll on me right now. I remember when Danger was a new baby, and I had a perfectly clean house, folded laundry, and free time to read a book or take a long bubble bath. These days, I can’t do much of anything without my kiddo running wild… or whining… or telling me that she doesn’t like me anymore because I won’t let her have candy for breakfast. *sigh* Children are wonderful, though. Those days that she snuggles up on my lap and we read and play together are the BEST and I know that one day in the not-too-distant future, we won’t have these special moments together. >>Sorry for the super-long comment. You inspired me to share 😉 or vent.

    1. No candy for breakfast? You are soooo mean!

      It does get better. I found there was something magical about 4..so hopefully it’s coming!

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