Stone Mountain Christmas | Mommy and Me Monday195th ed


It’s time again for Mommy and Me Monday. Pop out from behind that camera and capture yourself in action with your kids.  Check out the inaugural Mommy and Me Monday for more information. Need another reason to participate in Mommy and Me Monday? Read my post about why I blog with words from a friends’ husband.

I’ve gone out with the three girls before by myself many times. However, most of the time, it’s to the grocery store, the library, or a quick errand. It’s never been a full outing to an event. Well, I put on my big girl panties this weekend and did it! Mr. Serious was out of town for his best friend’s wedding, so, I headed to the sneak peak of Stone Mountain Christmas, which opened Saturday, November 9th; just me and the girls! When we pulled up, we all oohed and ahhhed at the lights. The place is amazing and so lit up! I have no doubt it could be seen from space!

I told the girls my expectations, got all loaded up with jackets and blankets and we were off!

This shall be the year of E being terrified of Santa, so I happily got in the picture!

Stone Mountain Christmas

The Snow Angel even came around greeting and talking to us…she even let N hold her magic wand. She was super excited about that.

Stone Mountain Christmas 2013

Santa came by as well. I think they are going to be asking me to get the Christmas tree up pretty soon.

Stone Mountain Christmas 2013

There is so much going on at Stone Mountain Christmas, and not to be outdone by themselves, this year Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and Bumble the Abominable Snow Monster have joined in. We caught them at the Christmas parade through the Crossroads area. They are also at meet & greets t various times throughout the day where you can have your picture taken with them. The Snow Angel was  big hit in the parade, too!

Stone Mountain Christmas 2013

Of course Santa and the Mrs. were there as well! (We asked when we sat with him…we are all on the good list so far!) Mrs. Clause also reads Misteltales throughout the day and evening as well.

Stone Mountain Christmas 2013

Another new and fun thing is the Sing-Along Christmas train. We were all singing and swaying and enjoying getting in the Christmas spirit. Especially important is the story of the very first Christmas at a stop on the live train show called “The Gift.” I really appreciate this special touch that they put on the train ride and that they explain the meaning of Christmas in a very family-friendly way.

Stone Mountain Christmas 2013

Some of the other activities involve shows, movies, and a cabaret. There is tons to keep you busy. The girls’ second favorite was writing letters to Santa and decorating their own cookies. Wow, those were some creations for sure.

Stone Mountain Christmas 2013

Our evening was ended with the Snow Angel Fireworks Finale as the Snow Angel flew overhead, instructed us to say “Let it snow!” and then made it snow on us!

Stone Mountain Christmas 2013

And, we wrapped the evening with fireworks to send us off on our way.

We made it to the end of the event at 10! I tried to convince them to drive me home since I was so tired (they all had naps before), but they used my words against me and told me that they had to be 16 before they could drive. Hmmm…so they are listening.

I guess it’s a good thing I didn’t rely on them driving, because they all looked like this when I got home.

Stone Mountain Christmas 2013

This was our first time at Stone Mountain Christmas and we will definitely go back. There was so much to see and do that we have to head back to see the rest of it.

Mommy and Me Monday at Really, Are You Serious?
**There really is only one requirement here, a picture of you and your baby or babies; your children, your “baby” (ie significant other) or even your fur babies. If your picture doesn’t feature you (meaning you must be in the picture), I will have to delete your link. It’s not fair to the others that follow the rules.**

I try to make sure and visit all of you and leave some comment love.  Please spread the love!  And, I never mind the comments, either:)

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  1. Looks like everyone had a lot of fun! That’s a really good pic with Santa. We tried to get Santa pics done before but our daughter threw a major tantrum and clung to me like a monkey, lol. Maybe this year I will finally get one!

  2. It looks like you guys had a great time! It seems like such a fun place 🙂

  3. That looks like a blast! I am glad you and the girls had fun while Papa Bear was away. I hope they were as well behaved as I imagine they were. You look fantastic. You don’t even look pregnant and you’re due in 8 short weeks!

  4. I have been to Stone Mountain during the Christmas season and it is magical. I enjoyed looking at your pictures and being transported back to that time.

  5. grandma pat says:

    Looks like they went all out. Snow Mountain was fun last year too. Glad you had a successful single parent trip.

  6. Red called out “santa!” when we were reading this post. I love all the activities at Stone Mountain at Christmas – the sleeping/passed out shot is hilarious!

  7. Thank you for hosting this linky! I was excited to realize I actually have a picture of myself with one of the kids in this post so I could share it here 🙂

  8. sooo proud of you mama!! seriously awesome that you did it solo!!

    and yay for getting into the season just a tidge early!! we were out this weekend and saw santa totally on accident but it was sooo awesome!!

    yay almost christmas!!

    1. It wasn’t as scary as I thought…and I had a lot of friends there too that were very helpful.

  9. That looks like so much fun! I cannot wait until we are able to get out of the house more and do more stuff with our little ones!

    1. You just have to do it! It really gets easier and easier:) Some times I think it’s harder staying home.

      1. We have 5 ranging in age from 3 months to 14 years so there are days it is harder to do. Once the littlest is a little older we will definitely be doing more again. Just need to get through the Wisconsin winter.

        1. Oh, adding in a frigid winter like that definitely makes it harder.

  10. You all get to do some really fun things! I can’t believe Bumble was there. He’s one of my favorite christmas movie characters.

  11. Looks like such a fun time! Love the conked out kids!! Always the best part of a late night of fun!

  12. Those are some magical memories!! what great smiles and of course I LOVE the sleeping picture in the car seat–I take those too!!

  13. That looks like such a fun place! I love the picture of N holding the wand! 🙂

    We usually go to Bass Pro for our Santa photos, but we don’t have a Stone Mountain.

    1. She was all over that wand, too! She kept telling us all about it. And, even told daddy via FaceTime the next day.

  14. christine reyes says:

    How fun and how brave of you. Lol I don’t like to go anywhere alone with my 2 boys and baby. Honestly, I am not ready for Xmas things just yet. I think maybe in couple more weeks!

  15. I want to take a big bite out of the cookie N decorated! How fun.

  16. My grandsons love going to Stone Mountain, but they’ve never been while the Christmas decorations are out. They would love it!

  17. Wow this sounds like a great event. Looks like you all had a great time. I hope we get to check out this event.

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