Happy 5th birthday, N!


Dear N,

You are FIVE! (Okay, so you turned 5 a month and a half ago…so sorry sweetheart!)

I can’t even believe it. Did you know that mommy has been blogging since before you were born. That’s a lot of history of you documented!

Happy 5th birthday N

This year, you have really grown. Not just physically (a very late well-check puts you at the 75th percentile for height), but also really starting to shine at school. You are constantly impressing your teacher and you are this.close to reading on your own. Your sense of style is perfect and I love it. You aren’t afraid of mixing colors or patterns and often tell me you don’t care if you don’t match. I only have to draw the line when your clothing choices aren’t weather appropriate!

Happy 5th Birthday, N

You can be sweeter than honey, and a complete pistol in the time span of 1 second. Everything you do, you have to determine for yourself that you want to do. Nobody else can suggest it to you or tell you to do it. This will really come in handy when you get older, I’m sure, but right now, you can be a bit of a tester. (I think you are just like your Aunt Emily…she knows this!) But when your sweet comes out? Oh, you melt me.

The sweetest happens with your little sister. Even if you are annoying her, it’s only with the best intentions. If she ever falls, or bumps herself, you are the first one there with an ice pack wrapped in a towel to put on her head, or foot, etc. When she starts fussing in the car, you immediately want to give her a toy or a book or a paci to make her feel better (of course, this might also be prompted by just how much noise she can make!)

Happy 5th Birthday, N

You love dressing up as Repuzel and went through a period just after your birthday of running home and putting on this entire outfit everyday. Also, you love stomping your feet when you don’t get your way. (Seriously, where do they learn this. Pretty sure I’ve never stomped my foot in my adult life).

Happy 5th Birthday, N

You look up to your big sister so much. You ask her for guidance, you quiz her on everything (you want to know right now), you ask her to spell for you and read to you. Even when you are having a bit of a fight, it’s obvious how much you both love each other.

Happy 5th Birthday, N

So far, 5 has been interesting. You really have the kindest and gentlest heart. You want to please and impress people. You love dancing and putting on a dance show for all of us. You love it when your big sister gives you directions and tells you how to perform. And your hugs? They are some of the best.

Happy 5th birthday, N! We love you.

PS. N, you are at that fun stage of picture taking where you make a silly face unintentionally every time you smile. It makes me laugh and yet, go “ugh” at the same time. We were sent this photo support and black photo backdrop that I set up in our living room hoping to get some great shots of you for your 5th year. It was a little tricky to set up because the screws wouldn’t stay in place at the top so it wobbled around, but you were very helpful in keeping it together. The brackets to hold the backdrop worked and made it nice and tight. I think I need to pick up a third one.

Once we got it all set up, you were happy to sit in front. But, then you only let me take about 8 pictures before telling me you were done (such a diva). You decided the picture I used very first was the one and I agreed. The black background really makes your freckles and hair pop!

Happy 5th Birthday, N 4th birthday.

3rd birthday.

2nd birthday.

1st birthday.

Birth day.

*We were sent the stand and the backdrop to review. All thoughts and opinions are my own. No other compensation was received.

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  1. LOVE that picture…
    and so jealous you have that backdrop 🙂

  2. Happy 5th birthday! My daughter just turned 5 – 5 going on 13! Ugh! Hope you have a great year ahead!

  3. That backdrop really does bring out the color in her hair. I love reading this — my 3 year old has some of the same qualities as her (especially the only doing something when you want to…), so I couldn’t help but be reminded of him while reading.

  4. Happy birthday! She’s adorable and I bet will love having all these letters!

  5. Awwww what a fun age. My son turned 4 two days ago and your post inspired me to make a post all about him too. Great post!!

  6. How nice that you have such a good record of her childhood. It will be so nice for her to look back on when she’s older.

  7. Happy Birthday N! Those curls and that smile!!! Hope she had an amazing day!

  8. So adorable. My little one is 4 1/2 so I know those phases that little girls can go through. Your daughter looks like a little sweetheart. Enjoy her!

  9. she sounds like a darling girl!! happy fifth birthday, sweet girlie!!

    ps i’m jealous of the backdrop. i’d love one. like a month ago.

  10. Happy 5th Birthday to your baby! Gosh they grow up fast!

  11. She is adorable, and what a big personality she has!! You must be so proud. 🙂

  12. Happy belated birthday N 🙂 I can tell by reading this post that you have such great parents and siblings!

  13. Happy belated birthday N. I enjoy reading about you on your mommy’s blog. Your spunkiness and whole character is very entertaining. You seem like a very smart and energized young lady. Very beautiful. Hope you enjoyed your birthday.

  14. Oh, she is an absolute doll! Happy belated birthday to your beautiful 5 year old!

  15. i so adore her. and those curls!!

    happy happy five sweet girl 🙂

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